søndag den 27. november 2011

Grayschale and Colors

Teather: Lars Kram
This is a short task i got at taw.

The task was: that we should draw a sketch with foreground, middle ground and background. Then we had to color it in photoshop.
This is the finished lineart.

This is the thumbnails i made, I used all of them in a combination->.

Work in proces, started in Photoshop and worked on it in Sai
The finished grayscale, mabye i will color it some day.

Tell a tail heart

so we where listning to this story called "tell a tail heart" (i think it was its name) and i sketced the dude on left and dicited to use him in a task we got.
the task was that we should draw a scen from the story in another artist style. I choosed jhonen vasquez´ style ( he is the brain behind the tv show named "Invader Zim" and lots of books, one named "jonny the homicidal maniac" )
 <- These are the thumbnails i made for the asignment and the other is the finised one ->
This was for a tasl were we should draw fear in a non realistic way. I tryied to draw how much it hurted to be "bitten" by a scorpion. thumbnails left, finished work rigth
We should color this drawing witch already had grayschale on so that was easy. I can´t remember the artist who have made the drawings name.

We should finde colores for this painting and paint it in those colors we like. these are the thumbnails at the left and the other is the finised work. I really like painting its so funny x3
We should paint objecks like appels, oranges and other things like the boot and a skull.                    The other thing is a colorscale for a short animation movie named "captain awesome". ->
We should finde Gray without using black, we should only use blue, yellow, red and white to finde it. It was acturly not that hard but some have there trouble to finde it.

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